Wednesday, 31 October 2012


The first Magic i am going share is call Tuition!

Giving tuition to young kids is 1 of the many ways to earn money using little time.
The market rate for tuition is now very good.

Here is the average you can find today base on Per Hour:

Tuition for Primary School
Diploma: $15 - $25
JC: $15 - $30

Tuition for Secondary School
Diploma: $15- $35
JC: $20 - $ 40
University: $25 - $40

Tuition for JC
University: $25 - $50 
Degree Holder: $30 - $60

Some people after they graduate from University, they don't work. All they do is to give tuition and they can earn money to survive or even buy a CAR!

You see why Tuition is call easy money is because it a freaking at least $15/hr compare to those puny part time job which only give you highest $8/hr.

Let me give you a sample calculation for a University undergrad trying to earn money to survive school.

Working Part Time at any Retail/F&B/Sale
What you will get is only No. of Hours a Day x No. of Days a Week x Pay per Hr.
Now lets assume you work 5 hours a Day, 4 days a week and then the pay is on the high side $8/hr.
You will only get  5*4*8 = $160/wk and the number of hours spend is 20hours!!!

20 Freaking Hours!!! that is so long!!!
Even if you were to find a average rate of tuition ($20/hr), you will only need 8 hours a week to earn the same amount!!

Imagine what you can do with that extra 12Hours?!?! 
Study? Gym? Hang out with friends? 

However you might think that finding tuition job is difficult, here let me help you!
Here is a few place for you to find sign up as tuition teacher :D

Trust me! all these Web Works!
The only flaws is that you will need to have a Good Grade and be a polite person!

Magic Money

Making Money to some people might be difficult but what i am going to tell you is ways to make money easily without working very difficult.

However it requires you to have certain skills/education if not it will be difficult for you to earn easy money.

Yup! That right Skills/Education is important, that why we should alway listen to our parent about studying or going for that piano class when we are young! 

I will post a easy money earning way every week or maybe even twice a week!

So Stay Tune!